Wednesday, January 30, 2008

10 things i miss about home...

well, as i sit here and listen to bad soap operas, i suddenly felt a huge pang of homesickness.(which isn't really new, considering i miss my home every single day for the past two years since i studied here).

you guys have no idea how hard it is to be away from your own homes. sure, the independence is wonderful, but it gets really lonesome especially during dull days. there are times when i cry, because i feel like no one really cares genuinely for me.

that is why, i am going to write this thing.(as corny as it may seem). wala lang, i just wanna share what i really long for right now.

10. the smell of brewed coffee wafting through the house.

every morning, mom or dad makes it a habit to turn the percolator on and make some coffee for everyone who wants caffeine. it's more than that for me. the smell of strong coffee is my signal to wake up, that no matter how late i slept the previous night (and no matter how badly i still want to sleep), i just have to start my day again.'s home cooked meals.

like they say, no one cooks quite like my mom.:) she's the type of cook who really puts a whole bunch of love into her cooking, that no matter how busog you still are, you'd still want to eat her dishes.

8. seeing pieces of half eaten cookies or biscuits all over the living room.

this is because i live with 2 little monsters.kidding!i mean, younger in a house full of children is like living in a third world country.there are a lot of strange smells, bright colors, annoying noise...sometimes, i'd even go ballistic!especially when i just cleaned up the floors or arranged the pillows in the living room couch, once my little brother and sister decide its time to make the couch as an alternative trampoline, i can't do anything but scream!

7. sharing bags of junk food.

during those boring days, my siblings and i would ask someone to buy us chips and we'd gobble them up by watching disney channel or a movie on hbo if there's anything good on. sometimes, we'd end up fighting because one of us would feel like the other got more share, that i think about it, it's pretty funny.:))

6. the cool, unpolluted province air.

ah, there's nothing like this! i couldn't experience this anywhere else except in bicol!:) tell you what, from where i am, even if it's majorly warm, when the breeze flies in, it's very won't perspire at all.quite unlike some places i know.:(

5. my friends.

these are the people i knew since, i dunno, forever?they know me inside out.sometimes, it's so freaky that they can decide how i'm feeling even before i could even admit that i am feeling that,huh?it's like a special bond among us.we're psychic in some ways.

4. the free flowing streets.

in provinces, you never experience heavy traffic.unless there's an accident somewhere.but those never last for an hour or's because people there are super disciplined.

3. seeing the stars at night.

and i'm talking about a multitude of stars!:) when we experience power shortage, my family and i would go out of our veranda and just stare at the sky and admire the dark sky full of stars. we would even crack jokes and we'd be laughing really hard to the point that we feel like our neighbors would suddenly go to our house and tell us to keep it down.:p

2. my entire family, ofcourse.

no need for explanation.i would assume you would understand why.

1. that wonderful sense of familiarity that i would never get tired of returning back to.:)

it's so nice to go back home and hear people speaking a different dialect which i could comprehend.

basically , i miss all the small things i used to ignore.

these and a whole lot more define what i wouldn't trade for anything else.:)

i hope what you just read would make you feel grateful that you aren't missing what you got used to all your lfe.:)good night!:)