Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ego for sale...

so this is a typical day in the life of the people from's either we spend time listening to utterly boring lessons, eat while still listening (or pretending to listen) to boring lectures, take pictures of ourselves, laugh, goof around,etc...
it's quite random, actually, but what choice do we have when we have to wait for professors who seem to take their time in making us wait, not that we don't mind the few sweet moments of freedom, but we're actually paying them for every minute that they were supposed to show up.
whatev.i'm finding myself desiring some few moments of sleep so that i can rest my tired eye-strained eyes.( redundant..**rolls her eyes**)
this post wasn't intended actually..i just wanted to post this cute picture of me and my adorable blockmates.
**you guys look great**

Thursday, August 23, 2007

the longing for home...

so far,homesickness wasn't really an issue for me until i went home for a very short while a few days ago because the weather hadn't been so cooperative.
being back home really made me feel like i belonged and gave me a chance to breathe and relax, despite the horrible fact that we still had three more exams coming up for the week.
in the picture is me and my sister.we're the only girls in the family, and i don't feel that there is still the need for me to tell her how much i love her.
she's the youngest in the family and even before she was born, i have been long praying for a little sister coz living with 4 boy siblings as a young girl really wasn't much of a party.
so,when she was born, i felt like i couldn't ask for anything else. i was so contented that my prayers had been answered.
however, there came a point in her growing years (especially when she was still about 6months old) that i started getting jealous of all the attention that she was getting from everyone--my parents, my parents' friends, my relatives...and basically, just everyone who came to visit in our house and say how cute and how precious i even came to a point where i cried and said, "hello??i used to be the only princess around here..."..and how i wished i could get things to return to how they used to be...
but that was just a childish thing for was a long time ago and i'm happy on how things are turning out to be...
after all, she's just as spoiled as i am, so it's all good...

the circle that was...

the people who owns these shoes are the reasons why going to school everyday is bearable for me.
i just love how the circle represents our closeness and the priceless moments we have spent together so far.
and these people are:

>jamelle--my ever beloved girl...she's the reason why i still pass my subjects..=)

>julie--my sister!

>esfrey--my lovely daughter...

>sheena--HRP girl like me..;)

>zhari--someone i won't forget--not for a lifetime...

>mafe--another daughter!

>cookai--my sorority sister!

>me--li'l miss diva in action...

>tart--friendy!someone i love dearly simply because she's special...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

torture week

so as some of you might have noticed, i didn't keep in touch through my blog for the past two weeks or's not that i've been busy.i just seem to lack the motivation to update what was going on with me in the days that passed.well, there was nothing special that occured, unless you want to know about the dreadful exams we have for the week, then, i would rather talk about another topic,thank you very much.

so i gotta bounce.nat sci and computer exams tomorrow.

it's not that they're both hard.i can actually manage without the review, but considering the low grades i've been geeting lately, i wouldn't want to take the risk.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

the long weekend and harry potter and the deathly hallows...

so basically, i've spent the entire weekend buried in the last (*tears*) installment of the harry potter series and all i can say is:
THE BEST BOOK YET. hands down, j.k.'re a genius.
i technically shunned everybody in our house out of my existence because i was sooo into it that i was finding myself (literally) not breathing because every chapter gives me more excitement and tons to expect.
there are a lot of tear jerker moments there too.especially the part where lupin said (with regret, and disapproval, sad to say) that tonks was pregnant but only to find out in the later part of the book that both of them is kinda nuts, actually,to pretend that the marriage to tonks was a mistake.i mean, what the eff, it's actually kinda cool that you have a half werewolf for a son, and he'll be the talk of the town and everyone would be scared to get on their family's bad side in fear that they'll be eaten or something.morbid, i know, but it's just soo like me.right?(*giggles*)
anyway, i dont' want to tell much of the story.if you're not much of a fan anyway, just wait for the movie or go to websites that give you spoilers or something.
it's kinda an emotional thing for me to read the last of the potter series.i mean, like i've mentioned to marissa (the one who lent me the book--i'm not much of a harry potter book collector, even though i'm such a big fan) last sunday, harry and the gang are a BIG part of my life. (take note,marissa and me were still SMSing each other in the early wee hours of the morning because we were talking about potter and i was updating her on how far i was in the thing.yes, i was reading the book, and SMSing with her--i'm much of a multi-tasker)
i was like only 11 years old when i took interest in the harry potter book of my then 5th grade classmate beneve and everything pretty much rooted out from there...i found myself anxiously waiting for the next installment, joining a small group where we talked about harry and stuff...then came the movies...and then, here i am, a college sophomore, reading the last book. i mean, it may be pathetic and all, that at 18, i'm still reading a novel that's supposed to target little kids and i'm enjoying every minute of it.
suddenly, i'm losing the motivation to finish it at all...coz it seems like i grew up with's sad to think that us fans wouldn't be looking forward to an 8th or 9th or 10th book anymore. it's soo hard to let go of something that you got used to.
but then again, life has so much reasons for me to move on...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

into nothingness...

you can never be too sure who your real friends are these days. sometimes, the ones whom you consider as your "best" friends are the ones who hurt you most of the time. it really pains me that even until college, i am still followed by a bunch of annoying, irritating and insensitive bitches who only use me because of the connections i have. well, what did i expect anyway?that college is whole lot different of an environment and that all of a sudden, people will be relatively nice just because it's in a new and different place?what the can really never be too trusting.and it's soo ironic that the ones who look f******** nice are the biggest bitches i have ever met and they are the ones who are making my life miserable these days. i hate them for being soo two faced.i mean, go to hell!
i am too precious to be degraded by a bunch of low-class good for nothing scum bags anyway, so i'll let them drown themselves in misery and envy me for the stuff that they are insecure of in the first place.
a good day to start off the long weekend is practically ruined, so i'm finding myself losing all motivation to do all the homework and review .this is no thanks to to those people who just made my day! it irritates me that i am too blind and too naive to sense their motives in the first place. so from now on, whenever you need a reviewer, get your own damn notes and review for yourself! whenever you want someone to boss around and do according to your bidding, then get a slave. i am not here to feed your ego..i'm here for myself.i didn't come here to make friends with a group of back-stabbing, egocentric introverts.
i need to take some time off and reflect on some of the things that are seemingly for real yet are actually's like walking on the street and picking up a gold-plated bracelet.after you've worn it, you realize that it's beginning to tarnish and then you get allergies. it's like waiting for snow in a tropical country--hopeless and useless.
the happiest thought that only makes me feel less pissed is the thought that i have other real friends who are with me regardless of connections.i hate bitches.
anway, before i die of serious heart ailment and inkept anxiety (if there exists anything like it), i'll be ending this post's up to you, dear reader, if you'll continue to drown in misery because of my post or go ahead and have a better day.



we're in computer class right now and everyone is having a good time downloading stuff from the internet, especially the mp3s...
i was a little late for class today but i'm loving it all the same..
anyway, just a short post.i'm busy...