Thursday, August 23, 2007

the longing for home...

so far,homesickness wasn't really an issue for me until i went home for a very short while a few days ago because the weather hadn't been so cooperative.
being back home really made me feel like i belonged and gave me a chance to breathe and relax, despite the horrible fact that we still had three more exams coming up for the week.
in the picture is me and my sister.we're the only girls in the family, and i don't feel that there is still the need for me to tell her how much i love her.
she's the youngest in the family and even before she was born, i have been long praying for a little sister coz living with 4 boy siblings as a young girl really wasn't much of a party.
so,when she was born, i felt like i couldn't ask for anything else. i was so contented that my prayers had been answered.
however, there came a point in her growing years (especially when she was still about 6months old) that i started getting jealous of all the attention that she was getting from everyone--my parents, my parents' friends, my relatives...and basically, just everyone who came to visit in our house and say how cute and how precious i even came to a point where i cried and said, "hello??i used to be the only princess around here..."..and how i wished i could get things to return to how they used to be...
but that was just a childish thing for was a long time ago and i'm happy on how things are turning out to be...
after all, she's just as spoiled as i am, so it's all good...