so basically, i've spent the entire weekend buried in the last (*tears*) installment of the harry potter series and all i can say is:
THE BEST BOOK YET. hands down, j.k.'re a genius.
i technically shunned everybody in our house out of my existence because i was sooo into it that i was finding myself (literally) not breathing because every chapter gives me more excitement and tons to expect.
there are a lot of tear jerker moments there too.especially the part where lupin said (with regret, and disapproval, sad to say) that tonks was pregnant but only to find out in the later part of the book that both of them is kinda nuts, actually,to pretend that the marriage to tonks was a mistake.i mean, what the eff, it's actually kinda cool that you have a half werewolf for a son, and he'll be the talk of the town and everyone would be scared to get on their family's bad side in fear that they'll be eaten or something.morbid, i know, but it's just soo like me.right?(*giggles*)
anyway, i dont' want to tell much of the story.if you're not much of a fan anyway, just wait for the movie or go to websites that give you spoilers or something.
it's kinda an emotional thing for me to read the last of the potter series.i mean, like i've mentioned to marissa (the one who lent me the book--i'm not much of a harry potter book collector, even though i'm such a big fan) last sunday, harry and the gang are a BIG part of my life. (take note,marissa and me were still SMSing each other in the early wee hours of the morning because we were talking about potter and i was updating her on how far i was in the thing.yes, i was reading the book, and SMSing with her--i'm much of a multi-tasker)
i was like only 11 years old when i took interest in the harry potter book of my then 5th grade classmate beneve and everything pretty much rooted out from there...i found myself anxiously waiting for the next installment, joining a small group where we talked about harry and stuff...then came the movies...and then, here i am, a college sophomore, reading the last book. i mean, it may be pathetic and all, that at 18, i'm still reading a novel that's supposed to target little kids and i'm enjoying every minute of it.
suddenly, i'm losing the motivation to finish it at all...coz it seems like i grew up with's sad to think that us fans wouldn't be looking forward to an 8th or 9th or 10th book anymore. it's soo hard to let go of something that you got used to.
but then again, life has so much reasons for me to move on...
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