so, okay, the prospect of missing him and thinking too much about what happened between the two of us rarely enters my mind lately, especially that i've been busy with school work and catching up with our missed lessons. i guess keeping myself busy has helped me out a lot, coz my mind is just blank every night, after all the day's drama has come to an end. well, honestly, there are days when i wish i could still see him around so my friends could tease me and i'd be all blushy and stuff.(stupid, but cute, right?)
anyway, i'm just happy and content that he's moving on and heck, i'm pretty much doing the same. i mean, if it's not broken, don't fix it, right? after all, it was he who said it: "try not to force anything...learn to let go and let God..". it may sound like i'm still really bitter. to tell you for the record, i still get the feeling of "bitterness" when i summon it upon myself, but for the most part, i'm glad that everything is behind me now and i'm up for a fresh, new start. he's not worth it--to tell you the truth.i still find it disgusting sometimes that i was that obsessed about him. actually, it wasn't all obsession--i really did love him. but now, there's a BIG question in that.
it has been said that you wouldn't be falling out of love with someone unless you have already fallen for another person. i totally disagree with this claim.i mean, i've spent the entire summer vacation seeing old guy friends in hopes that i would be falling for one of them instead.however, not one of them actually sparked up anything within me, and it was probably because i was feeling like my relationship with each of them has somehow been stale due to the distance that we have spent apart. oh well, it wasn't like i was looking anyway.i just wanted to see how far my capacity to move on would take me. it was stupid,really, to think that i could use my old friends to forget one hell of a guy.
oh.i might not have mentioned this yet, but i'll be mentioning it anyway:
there is someone right now.
oh, the feeling is really good everytime i think about him and the rare times i get to see him are really , really, really special for me. he's so damn hot and he seems really really nice. and here's the catch:
would you be surprised to know that this new person is actually my former special someone's current girlfriend's ex boyfriend?
but wait, let me expalin myself.i'm not doing this on purpose and this is in no way a means for me to retaliate and get back at the bitch who pretty much ruined things for me and the guy.(*haha*)to tell you honestly, with all bitchiness aside, i really really really like this guy. i think it was stupid for the girl to dump him in the first place because he seems just so--perfect. you know, he's like the best catch--attractive, simple, looks like he's got a good 10-year plan for himself...etc. it made me wonder why he's still here in school because i was under the impression that he was supposed to graduate last year.
kinda like destiny, huh?but right now, i wouldn't want to look at all these as seemingly destiny or fate because as far as i can remember,the last time i assumed that it was destiny made me end up in a bitter situation.
wait.if you, dear reader (that is, if anyone is actually reading my posts), happen to notice,i am not in anyway making mention of the names of the people involved this tangled web of rectangle. it is because the last time i wrote a dirty comment in friendster, it almost made me end up fighting in a bitter feud with someone i barely even know.i mean, it's funny and weird for me, actually, coz even on-line, i'm still the same, war-freak,tactless,insensitive diva.
going back to the original purpose on why i am writing this blog in the first place, there are some things i've learned which helped me (and hopefully, you would be helped too) when it comes to dealing with moving on problems.
above anything else, once a closure is already directly (or indirectly, depending on the given situation) expressed by any one of you (your bf/gf/suitor/crush/admirer,etc.) in the relationship, try to understand and accept that it means whatever happened between the two of you is no longer valid for some's stupid for one of you to say "let's talk it over" or "can you give me another chance?", because clearly, MAJOR DUH, he/she already wants to end up things with you. i mean, do you still need anyone to spell that out for you?acceptance is the key.once the closure is given, then it's a signal and an indication that you have to go your separate ways and move on.
next, as cliche as this may sound, there are still a lot of other fish in the ocean. let's face it, we all want to get the biggest catch, don't we?so, try to take advantage of your new found freedom and flirt everwhere with all the cute boys available.
never ever get into depression mode after a hard break up. crying for hours is okay, but weeping for an entire week is already stupid and an exaggeration. i mean, if it was that easy for the guy/girl to move on, then, it's a mandated right for you to do the same.who says you're entirely tied up with that bastard of an ex boyfriend or bitch of an ex girlfriend of yours?you should know better.
eat lots of chocolates--they're perfect when you're feeling bitter because their utter sweetness makes you feel like you deserve a person as delicious as that treat.(*winks*)
confide in your friends--they're the best people who should understand and know how you feel most since you're basically with the same faces everyday.
learn to go out clubbing and partying--flaunt your assets and show them what you've got. show that guy/girl what he/she is missing and what he/she dumped.prove to that person that dumping you is a big mistake and that he/she is missing a huge part of his/her life because of it.
smile.even though you're still hurting...even if you know it's just fake.
ciao!have a great (rainy) day to all!=)
anyway, i'm just happy and content that he's moving on and heck, i'm pretty much doing the same. i mean, if it's not broken, don't fix it, right? after all, it was he who said it: "try not to force anything...learn to let go and let God..". it may sound like i'm still really bitter. to tell you for the record, i still get the feeling of "bitterness" when i summon it upon myself, but for the most part, i'm glad that everything is behind me now and i'm up for a fresh, new start. he's not worth it--to tell you the truth.i still find it disgusting sometimes that i was that obsessed about him. actually, it wasn't all obsession--i really did love him. but now, there's a BIG question in that.
it has been said that you wouldn't be falling out of love with someone unless you have already fallen for another person. i totally disagree with this claim.i mean, i've spent the entire summer vacation seeing old guy friends in hopes that i would be falling for one of them instead.however, not one of them actually sparked up anything within me, and it was probably because i was feeling like my relationship with each of them has somehow been stale due to the distance that we have spent apart. oh well, it wasn't like i was looking anyway.i just wanted to see how far my capacity to move on would take me. it was stupid,really, to think that i could use my old friends to forget one hell of a guy.
oh.i might not have mentioned this yet, but i'll be mentioning it anyway:
there is someone right now.
oh, the feeling is really good everytime i think about him and the rare times i get to see him are really , really, really special for me. he's so damn hot and he seems really really nice. and here's the catch:
would you be surprised to know that this new person is actually my former special someone's current girlfriend's ex boyfriend?
but wait, let me expalin myself.i'm not doing this on purpose and this is in no way a means for me to retaliate and get back at the bitch who pretty much ruined things for me and the guy.(*haha*)to tell you honestly, with all bitchiness aside, i really really really like this guy. i think it was stupid for the girl to dump him in the first place because he seems just so--perfect. you know, he's like the best catch--attractive, simple, looks like he's got a good 10-year plan for himself...etc. it made me wonder why he's still here in school because i was under the impression that he was supposed to graduate last year.
kinda like destiny, huh?but right now, i wouldn't want to look at all these as seemingly destiny or fate because as far as i can remember,the last time i assumed that it was destiny made me end up in a bitter situation.
wait.if you, dear reader (that is, if anyone is actually reading my posts), happen to notice,i am not in anyway making mention of the names of the people involved this tangled web of rectangle. it is because the last time i wrote a dirty comment in friendster, it almost made me end up fighting in a bitter feud with someone i barely even know.i mean, it's funny and weird for me, actually, coz even on-line, i'm still the same, war-freak,tactless,insensitive diva.
going back to the original purpose on why i am writing this blog in the first place, there are some things i've learned which helped me (and hopefully, you would be helped too) when it comes to dealing with moving on problems.
above anything else, once a closure is already directly (or indirectly, depending on the given situation) expressed by any one of you (your bf/gf/suitor/crush/admirer,etc.) in the relationship, try to understand and accept that it means whatever happened between the two of you is no longer valid for some's stupid for one of you to say "let's talk it over" or "can you give me another chance?", because clearly, MAJOR DUH, he/she already wants to end up things with you. i mean, do you still need anyone to spell that out for you?acceptance is the key.once the closure is given, then it's a signal and an indication that you have to go your separate ways and move on.
next, as cliche as this may sound, there are still a lot of other fish in the ocean. let's face it, we all want to get the biggest catch, don't we?so, try to take advantage of your new found freedom and flirt everwhere with all the cute boys available.
never ever get into depression mode after a hard break up. crying for hours is okay, but weeping for an entire week is already stupid and an exaggeration. i mean, if it was that easy for the guy/girl to move on, then, it's a mandated right for you to do the same.who says you're entirely tied up with that bastard of an ex boyfriend or bitch of an ex girlfriend of yours?you should know better.
eat lots of chocolates--they're perfect when you're feeling bitter because their utter sweetness makes you feel like you deserve a person as delicious as that treat.(*winks*)
confide in your friends--they're the best people who should understand and know how you feel most since you're basically with the same faces everyday.
learn to go out clubbing and partying--flaunt your assets and show them what you've got. show that guy/girl what he/she is missing and what he/she dumped.prove to that person that dumping you is a big mistake and that he/she is missing a huge part of his/her life because of it.
smile.even though you're still hurting...even if you know it's just fake.
ciao!have a great (rainy) day to all!=)
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